Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fibroid Causes

Fibroid Causes

Fibroid are growth of tissue that are usually found in the wall of the uterus, or womb. They are made of a mixture of muscle tissue from the uterus and threadlike fibers of connective tissue. Although they are called tumours, fibroid are not cancerous.

Fibroid are very common. They occur in 2 or 3 out of every 10 women over age 35.

They occur most often in women between ages 30 and 50, although women in their 20s sometimes have them. It is common to have more than one fibroid. Some women may have as many as a hundred. Fibroid can be as small as a pinpoint or as large as a basketball. They are usually round or oval in shape, like a ball or an egg. Their texture is firm like an unripe peach.

Fibroid can grow in different parts of the uterus. They are named according to which part of the uterus they are found.

Fibroid that grow inside the wall of the uterus are called INTRAMURAL FIBROID. They are the most common type of fibroid.

Fibroid that grow outward from the wall of the uterus into the abdominal cavity are called SUBSEROUS or SUBSEROSAL FIBROIDS.

Fibroid that grow inward from the uterine wall, taking up space within the cavity of the uterus, are called SUBMUCOUS or SUBMUCOSAL FIBROID.

A fibroid that is attached to the uterus by a thin stalk is called a PEDUNCULATED FIBROID.


A fibroid starts as a single muscle cell in the uterus. For reasons that are not known, this cell changes into a fibroid tumour cell and starts to grow and multiply. Heredity may be a factor. It is thought that a muscle cell in the uterus may be “PROGRAMMED” from birth to develop into a fibroid sometime-perhaps many years-after puberty (the start of menstrual periods).

After puberty, the ovaries produce more hormones, especially oestrogen. Higher levels of these hormones may help fibroids to grow, although exactly how this might happen is not understood.


For many women, fibroid cause no problems. More than half of women with fibroids do not know they have them until their doctor tells them so.


Stay away from caffeine. A high fiber diet is good for taking the excess estrogen from your body through the colon, if not it will re-enter your bloodstream. Stay away from conventionally processed meals, beef especially. Eat organic meat.

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