Monday, May 21, 2012

How to Prevent Cervical Cancer

1. Avoid being exposed to Human papillomavirus (HPV). Certain types of sexual behaviour increase a woman's risk of getting HPV infection such as

i. Having many sexual partners    
ii. Having a partner who has had many sex partners
iii. Having sex at an early age.

2. Avoid Smoking: Carcinogens from tobacco
increase the risk for many cancer types, including cervical cancer and women who smoke have about double the chance of a nonsmoker to develop cervical cancer.

3. Use Condom: Condoms offer some protection against cervical cancer. Condom may also be useful in treating potentially precancerous changes in the cervix, Exposure to semen appears to increase the risk of precancerous changes, and use of condoms help to cause these changes to regress and helps clear HPV.

4. Nutrition

i. Fruits and Vegetables: High level of vegetables consumption were associated with a 54% decrease risk of HPV.

ii. Folic acid

Higher folate status was inversely associated with becoming HPV test positive. Most women with higher folate status were significantly less likely to be repeatedly HPV test positive.

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