Friday, May 18, 2012

how to test male fertility

Tests for Male Fertility

1. Seminal Fluid Analysis: This involves obtaining the semen immediately after intercourse or through the process of Masturbation. The semen is then subject to test in the laboratory and results obtained. The normal count should be 20 – 200 million.

2. Seminal fluid for microscopy, culture and sensitivity: This is to detect if any infections is present in the genital system. The results would tell us about the presence of any infection and suggest the drugs to be used for treatment.

3. Testicular Biopsy: This involves taking sample of the tests and examining under the microscope. This is to observe the developmental stages of the spermatozoa and detect any abnormalities.

4. Blood samples should be also be obtained for a full set of thyroid functions and level of hormones or when genetic abnormalities are suspected, the blood should be taken to a genetic laboratory.

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