Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sudden Death Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Diagnosis and Treatment

Hypertension as earlier mentioned in sudden death syndrome may not present with any signs or symptoms. The only way to detect hypertension is to have the blood pressure checked by a trained and qualified health worker. Once the blood pressure is detected to be high on more than two occasions, the person will be commenced on anti-hypertensive drugs which sometimes one may take for the rest of one’s life. Regular monitoring of the blood pressure is of utmost importance, particularly from the age of 40 and above. It is frightening to note that hypertension is being detected at earlier ages around 30 and 40 years.


Avoidance of the predisposing factors is a very important step in the prevention of hypertension, hypertensive heart diseases, and stroke. A drastic reduction in salt intake, particularly from the age of forty helps to slow down the onset of hypertension. A diet low in fat and a reduction in alcohol intake, abstinence from smoking and regular exercise are very important.

All forms of stress and lack of sleep should be minimised. After the age of 40, it is advisable to generally slow down on all the activities. Once this is done, you have overcome the mid-age crisis, and you will be able to live longer.

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