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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Management Of Infertility

Infertility is the inability of a couple to procreate or bear children after one year of regular unprocteted sexual intercourse. The rate of infertility has been on the rise of late which is brought about by a wide range of physical and emotional factors.

 History Taking

It is important to take the history of both Males and Females together or separately. This should include developmental history including immunisation, milestones, e.g. puberty
, past medical and surgical history, frequency of coitus and mode of coitus. It should also include types of jobs of husband and wife and whether they live together or separately.

Specific questions must be asked from both males and females of any past infections, vaginal or urethral discharge or lower abdominal pains. Specific questions of past history of mumps should be asked in the males. Both partners should also be questioned for past history of diabetes or hypertension or drug abuse.

Physical Examination 

Both male and female should be examined for any congenital abnormality including undescended tests in the male, imperforate hymen or any other disability in the females, should also be screened for evidence of fibroids and all other factors that may be responsible for infertility.


Physical examination is followed by counselling of the couple. This should include the physical aspect of sexual relationship, sex, education and detecting any sexual dysfunction.

During the first counselling, some very important points are stressed. These include:

1. That fertile sperms should enter the vaginal at the time of ovulation.
2. Good secretion (i.e. egg white) from the cervix are required for sperms to enter the uterus.
3. The tubes have to be open.
4. The lining of the uterus must be in the right condition for the egg to implant and pregnancy to start.

It should be stressed during counselling that getting pregnant is a function of both males and females. The mind of the male should be disabused about the fact that fertility is only a function of the female, i.e. referring to fruit of the womb. The man has to first deposit viable spermatozoa before pregnancy can be achieved. Both partner should therefore be encouraged to take joint responsibility for achieving their aim of having a child.

One of the methods is the use of the Ondo Chart. Both Parties are encouraged to look at the chart together. Other methods include recording it on a chart. The most reliable method is however the Billings Method of Ovulation and the filling of the Ondo Chart.

It is important to reassure the couple and continue to encourage them to use the natural methods for about a year unless gross abnormalities have been discovered during physical examination. If these however fail, it is necessary to proceed to investigation.

Investigation of an Infertile Couple

The investigation should involve those for the husband and wife. The couple should be made to understand that both of them have to go through the medical tests together.

It is also better to start from the non-invasive tests before proceeding to the invasive tests. The non-invasive tests are those that would not disturb the physiology of the body.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

All Natural Remedies For Migraines And Headaches

Do you suffer from constant headaches or migraines?   In the event you only occasionally suffer from headaches or migraines, you might nonetheless be seeking quick relief, but in a natural way.  For natural ways to relieve the pain and discomfort related with migraines and headaches, please continue reading on.

Grapes are an excellent and natural way to seek relief from a headache or a migraine.  With regards to utilizing grapes to seek relief, you will find a number of various actions that may be taken
.  For natural consumption, just eat a bowl full of ripe grapes.  Another approach involves just drinking the juice, as the juice is what provides the relief.
With this approach, squish or grind a couple of grapes and drink the juice.

In keeping with what is consumed, it is important to eat a correct diet.  A diet plan isn't only an ideal way to assist get over a migraine quicker, however it is also a method to reduce your probabilities of suffering from one.  A nicely balanced diet is important to staying pleased and healthy.  Fruits, vegetables, entire grains, nuts, honey, yogurt, and milk are advised.  In fact, one other natural remedy for headaches that comes highly recommended is consuming a fresh apple every morning.

Water is also important to decreasing the typical time frame of a headache or a migraine.  As having a healthy diet, the regular consumption of water can help to stop the onset of headaches and migraines.  Additionally to drinking plain water, an additional home remedy for headaches and migraines that comes recommended is that honey.  Numerous headache and migraine sufferers report a decrease or complete elimination in discomfort when drinking a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey.

A cold compress can also be utilized to assist treat a migraine or a headache.  A ziplock bag filled with ice or a cold washcloth can be utilized.  Even though a cold compress is an ideal method to seek relief from a headache or a migraine, you will find also individuals who claim that heat offers them with assistance.  In the event you would like to attempt this approach, start with warm washcloths or towels about the neck and armpits.

Those who have the option to do so are encouraged to sleep when they develop a painful headache or migraine.  Although sleep may not offer permanent relief, the temporary relief is still preferred by numerous folks.  Even if sleep isn't possible, like if you're a parent who is at home together with your child, stay in a dark room.  Light can frequently complicate a headache, especially a migraine.  This can make the discomfort a lot worse or even unbearable for numerous.  For that reason, those suffering from migraines are encouraged to limit their exposure to household lights, sunlight, television, and pc screens.

Headaches, particularly migraines, may be debilitating.  Some sufferers are unable to continue on with their every day activities.  If this describes you and if you have tried the above mentioned natural and home remedies for migraines without success, you might wish to consider contacting a healthcare professional.  As good as it is to stay natural, it is important to be able to complete your every day tasks, especially if you're employed or a parent.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sudden Death Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Diagnosis and Treatment

Hypertension as earlier mentioned in sudden death syndrome may not present with any signs or symptoms. The only way to detect hypertension is to have the blood pressure checked by a trained and qualified health worker. Once the blood pressure is detected to be high on more than two occasions, the person will be commenced on anti-hypertensive drugs which sometimes one may take for the rest of one’s life. Regular monitoring of the blood pressure is of utmost importance, particularly from the age of 40 and above. It is frightening to note that hypertension is being detected at earlier ages around 30 and 40 years.


Avoidance of the predisposing factors is a very important step in the prevention of hypertension, hypertensive heart diseases, and stroke. A drastic reduction in salt intake, particularly from the age of forty helps to slow down the onset of hypertension. A diet low in fat and a reduction in alcohol intake, abstinence from smoking and regular exercise are very important.

All forms of stress and lack of sleep should be minimised. After the age of 40, it is advisable to generally slow down on all the activities. Once this is done, you have overcome the mid-age crisis, and you will be able to live longer.


Monday, May 21, 2012

Causes Of Male Infertility

1. Sexually transmitted Diseases:  Many sexually transmitted diseases cause only minor symptoms, many infected men do not get the necessary treatment. As a result a large number of men suffer the effects of sexually transmitted diseases induced infertility.

2. Retrograde Ejaculation: This occurs when semen which would normally be ejaculated via urethra is redirected to the urinary bladder. When the bladder sphincter does not function properly,
retrograde ejaculation may occur. Retrograde ejaculation is sometimes referred to as a "Dry Orgasm". 

3. Low sperm Count: Low sperm count is the leading cause of infertility in men. Men with low sperm count find it difficult to impregnate their wives
. A sperm count of less than 20 million/ml is considered low sperm. Sperm count varies widely over time, and temporary low sperm count are common.

4Smoking/Drinking: when you smoke, your blood circulation decreases. when blood circulation decrease, sperm count also decrease. Smoking impairs sperm count, sperm motility, reduces sperm lifespan, and may cause generic changes that affect the offspring.

5. Retrograde Ejaculation: This occurs when semen which would normally be ejaculated via urethra is redirected to the urinary bladder. When the bladder sphincter does not function properly, retrograde ejaculation may occur. Retrograde ejaculation is sometimes referred to as a "Dry Orgasm".

6. Testicular Cancer: Testicular cancer is cancer that starts in the testicles, the male reproductive glands located in the scrotum. The exact cause of testicular cancer is unknown. There is no link between vasectomy and testicular cancer. Testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in en between the ages of 15 and 35. It can occur in older men, and rarely in younger boys. 

7. Structural Chromosome Abnormalities: This occur when there is a change in the structure or component of a chromosome. The total number of chromosomes is usually normal (46 total per cell). Structural chromosome abnormalities occur when part of a chromosome is missing, a part of a chromosome is extra

How to Prevent Cervical Cancer

1. Avoid being exposed to Human papillomavirus (HPV). Certain types of sexual behaviour increase a woman's risk of getting HPV infection such as

i. Having many sexual partners    
ii. Having a partner who has had many sex partners
iii. Having sex at an early age.

2. Avoid Smoking: Carcinogens from tobacco
increase the risk for many cancer types, including cervical cancer and women who smoke have about double the chance of a nonsmoker to develop cervical cancer.

3. Use Condom: Condoms offer some protection against cervical cancer. Condom may also be useful in treating potentially precancerous changes in the cervix, Exposure to semen appears to increase the risk of precancerous changes, and use of condoms help to cause these changes to regress and helps clear HPV.

4. Nutrition

i. Fruits and Vegetables: High level of vegetables consumption were associated with a 54% decrease risk of HPV.

ii. Folic acid

Higher folate status was inversely associated with becoming HPV test positive. Most women with higher folate status were significantly less likely to be repeatedly HPV test positive.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

common problems associated

Fibroid Symptoms
*          Long menstrual period:

            Period may last more than seven days and menstrual flow may be very heavy. Heavy menstrual flow can sometimes lead to anaemia.

*          Pressure on other organs: Large fibroids may press on organs in the pelvic
            - A basin-shaped cavity in the lower abdomen, containing the bladder, bowel, and reproductive organs.

            - If fibroid press on the bladder: A woman may feel the urge to urinate frequently. She may pass only small amounts of urine and she may feel as though she has not completely emptied her bladder.
            - If fibroid press on the bowel, she may feel constipated suffering from difficult, painful, or infrequent movement of the bowels, or full after eating only a small amount of food.

         - If fibroid press on one or both ureters (the tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder). They may partially block the flow of urine. A woman may not be aware of this, because it often isn’t painful. Over time, however, this kind of blockage can lead to kidney infections or other serious kidney damage.

*         Pelvic Pain

            The pressure of large fibroids on other organs may cause pain in the pelvic. Sometimes, if fibroid do not get the blood flow they need to sustain themselves, they degenerate or die. This may cause severe pain lasting for days or weeks. Pain may also occur if the stalk of a fibroid twists, cutting off blood supply to the fibroid. Rarely, a fibroid may become infected and cause pain.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Stroke Management

What Is Stroke

Stroke is medically known as a cerebrovascular accident which is the rapid loss of brain functions due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain and this can be due to ischema (lack of blood flow) which is caused by blockage or leakage of blood, and as a result, the affected area of the brain cannot function and this might result in an inability to move one or more limbs on one side of the visual field.

A medical emergency that can cause permanent neurological damage, complications, and death is called STROKES. Stroke is the leading cause of an adult disability and the second cause of death worldwide.

Stroke Symptoms

The most common stroke signs and symptoms include:

Sudden numbness, weakness, or paralysis of the face, arm or leg, usually on one side of the 


Loss of speech, or trouble talking or understanding speech

Sudden blurred, double or decreased vision

Dizziness, loss of balance or loss of coordination

Seizures, fainting or blacking out

Typically, stroke symptoms start suddenly and in most cases do not progress further. Stroke symptoms depend on the area of the brain affected.

When the area of the brain affected is more extensive, the more the functions that is likely to be lost.

Most cases, the stroke symptoms affect only one side of the body and this depends on the affected part of the brain.

When stroke affect the brain stem, the brain can produce symptoms relating to deficit in the cranial nerves.

Supplements helpful to prevent stroke

Fish Oil: Fish oil helps thin the blood.

Vitamin B: High dose of vitamin supplements may help reduce the risk of stroke as well as death and cardiac events.

Ginkgo Biloba: Extract from the leaves of the gingko biloba trees offers promise to minimise brain damage caused by stroke.

Dark Chocolate: Eating dark chocolate may help lower blood pressure, boost normal responses to insulin to keep sugar levels down, and improve blood vessel function in patients with high blood pressure.

Potassium: This is another potent antidote against strokes; eating potassium rich food every day may reduce the risk of stroke 40%.

Calcium: calcium is very important in rectifying all circulatory diseases and disorders including stroke. Calcium is the most alkaline mineral in the mineral family, and it helps to counteract acidity and bust up accumulated debris that sick to the arterial walls and thus open up clogged and obstructed arteries.