Asthma is a chronic but treatable condition that can have a serious impact on your quality of life.. The condition can be managed much like someone managing diabetes or heart disease.
Listed below are some of natural remedies that may be helpful in treating and controlling asthma.
Asthma and Allergy Relief
Susan Millar has spent many thousands of dollars on traditional medical specialists, prescription drugs, alternative asthma and allergy treatments, books, vitamins, herbal and nutritional supplements.
There are a lot of people claiming to have an asthma or allergy remedy or cure and we've pretty much tried them all. None of them really worked well. Some were a complete waste of money. Many had serious side effects...Read Susasn's personal success in treating her asthma: a drug less approach.
Ginger is a very good natural remedy for asthma. When ginger is mixed with certain other ingredients, it act as an expectorants, which helps the asthma patient cough up and get rid of mucus in the respiratory system.
One teaspoon of ginger with one cup of fenugreek ( is a plant in the family Fabaceae. Fenugreek is used both as a herb (
Fresh ginger juice with honey to be taken once a day.
Half a tea spoon of fresh ginger, one teaspoon cumin seeds, a pinch of nutmeg, and a glass of water. Cimbine everything and bring to boil and drink it hot.
Someone suffering from asthma and would like to reduce the chances of having an asthma attack should always drink between 10-12 ounce glasses of water a day. Our body needs a lot of water if you don’t get enough of it, it can cause your body to use more of its own water to do normal functions. That can take away from your lung functions, which can lead to lungs over working and causing an asthma attack.
Turmeric Powder
Turmeric powder is a great home remedy for asthma. Taking one teaspoon of turmeric powder and mixing it in with 6 ounces of hot water three times a day on a daily basis can easily reduce attack of asthma.

Garlic Juice
To ward off the symptoms of asthma one should drink a glass of warm water mixed with around 10 to 15 drops of garlic juice.
Acupuncture can be used in relieving asthma symptoms. In one study, 17 persons with a long history of asthma were treated with acupuncture. At the end of 10 weeks of therapy, over 70% of the participants reported a marked improvement in their asthma symptoms which continued after treatment for six months. It also raised concentrations of important immune cells..
Herbal Remedies
Malabar Nut is the most popular herb being used for treating asthma which works as a bronchodilator. It increases airflow in the lungs and is also a mild expectorant to get rid of excess mucus and phlegm.
Anise seed tea is another herbal remedy for asthma. This tea is an antihistamine that reduces inflammation and helps to open air passages and relieve wheezing.
Asclepias Tuberosa is another less well-known herb which is also known as a vasodilator, it relaxes the muscles surrounding the bronchial passage and is very soothing.
Stretch and Shower
When one is experiencing an asthma attack, the person should try to raise its arms over head. This will open up the lungs, and always seek out to breath the cleanest air possible.
Asthma patient should try to avoid smoking because smoking would only make the asthma much worse. Taking a hot shower will help to break up the mucus in the lungs and opening up the bronchial tubes.
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