Tuesday, May 15, 2012

headache instant remedies

Headache is a pain in the head lasting for some time caused by changes in pressure in the blood vessels leading to and from the brain.

Headache is also a pain anywhere the region of the head or neck. Several areas of the head and neck have these pains-sensitive, which are the cranium, muscles, nerves, arteries and veins.

Common causes of of headaches are tension, migraine, dehydration, low blood sugar, and eye strain.

Different types of Headache

1. Tension Headache: This type of headache occurs as a result of muscle contraction and commonly felt behind the eyes and across the forehead.

2. Accident induces headache: When someone involved in an accident, the person may develop a headache. When this happens, the person must seek immediate medical treatment.

3. Cluster Headache: This type of headache is more common in males when there is a pain around the eye area. When this happens, it must be taking serious and the person must a doctor for advice and treatment.

4. Migraine headache: A person with migraine headache would suffer a felt of throbbing pain accompanied by severe nausea and possible vomiting, and it can also cause numbness or weakness.

Migraine can sometimes caused by reactions to stresses, food, an accident, hormonal changes, and by inheritance.

Migraine requires special attention and one should seek advice from doctor on what to medicate on.

5. Aneurysm: When someone experience a sudden pain in the head. This kind of pain can look like migraine or cluster headache, sometimes accompanied by a stiff neck, loss of consciousness, and double vision.

6. Tumour induced headache: This type of headache is rare. Some symptoms of a brain tumour might include numbness or weakness of limbs, disturbed vision, epileptic fits, slurred speech, and poor balance.

Most common Headache Instant Remedies

1. Ice Pack: This can be done with use of ice pack, a cold towel, or anything that really cold. This technique should help reduce any inflammation when apply to the back of the neck or wherever the pain is located and allow it to sit for about 5 to 10 minutes.

2. Relaxing and Resting: Headache sometimes is just to tell you that you are over working and way too stressed. What to do is to lie down in a dark room, shut your eyes and just relax for awhile.

3. Diet: Some food we eat always seems to trigger a headache. We just need to identify such food and dump it from our daily diet. We react differently to foods and this make it important for us to take a close look at what we are eating when these attack occur.

4. Calcium Supplement: Calcium supplements can help to relax the muscles and increase blood flow which would help to alleviate pain a bit. In the absence of the Calcium supplements, a large glass of orange juice should be okay.

5. Deep Massage: A firm massage on the head, face, and neck can quickly get rid of the headache pain.

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