Friday, May 4, 2012

Bitter Leaf as Natural Medicine

The right way to take bitter leaf: 

Bitter leaf should always be taken raw and fresh as an alternative health remedies. Boiling or cooking reduces the potency of the leaf. Its bitterness must not be squeezed out before eating; otherwise what will be left is mere chaff with little or no medicinal value. Remember always that raw vegetables are bitter than cooked ones and half-cooked vegetables are better than over-cooked ones.

 Medicinal value of Bitter Leaf

The following are some of the uses of bitter leaf.


Chew the tender stem of the plant like chewing stick and swallow the bitterness.
This is a well known remedy for stomach aches. In some cases, the ache stops within a few minutes.
An alternative is to pound the fresh leaves in a mortar and press out the juice. Add a pinch of salt to three tablespoons of the undiluted juice and drink. This brings immediate relief.


For skin infections such as ringworm, itching, rashes, and eczema, the pure, undiluted extract of bitter leaf is excellent. Simply apply it to the affected part daily.


 It tones the vital organs of the organ of the body. It weighs between 1-3kg in the adult. The liver is essential in the metabolism of fats and protein; it must therefore be well taken care of. Once the liver has any defect, it is hard to correct. Every effort must be made therefore to keep the liver in good condition. Alcohol, sugar, and processed food that we often feed ourselves and the children with can weaken the liver and make it susceptible to infections.


 its intake will not only reduce the sugar level drastically, it will also help to repair the pancreas. Squeeze ten handfuls of the fresh leaves in ten litres of water and take two glasses thrice daily for one month. This amounts to six glasses daily.


Bitter leaf extract has done wonders for those suffering from sleeplessness. Simply take two glasses of bitter leaf solution every night. You will experience great calm and well being. You may add a little honey if you wish.


Squeeze the fresh leaves of the plant in water. Take a glass-full thrice daily. Warm the solution on fire each time before drinking. Remember, do not boil, just warm. Continue the medication for a month. You do not need to squeeze the leaves each time you want to drink it. You can squeeze a large quantity at once and add some honey. This will help preserve the solution. However, note that if you store bitter leaf extract for twenty-four hours or more, the bitterness will disappear or diminish. But the efficacy remains. 


Prostrate cancer is common among men who are over forty years old. Its symptom is difficult and painful urination, among others. Bitter leaf is very good for this ailment. It increases the flow of urine and reduces the pain, as well as regulates the spread of the cell. Simply squeeze the fresh leaves in water and take a glassful four times daily. Dont be surprised if you begin to urinate very frequently when you take the bitter leaf extract. It's part of the cleansing and healing process that your body needs.


Do you often feel weak and tired? Do you lack vitality and vigour? Then get up and take a walk into the bush. You don't need to trek far before you find a bitter leaf plant. Squeeze the leaves in water and take a glass thrice daily. Soon you will experience a new lease of energy.


 Bitter leaf a a natural health supplement calms the nerves, strengthens the muscles, and cleanses the system. I have seen the marvels that bitter leaf extract has done for many people and I testify that it is good.


Arthritis or rheumatism patients who have tried bitter-leaf solution as described above attest to its effectiveness. It soothes inflamed joints and eradicates the pain.

 Parents should enforce bitter leaf on their children diet as a natural home remedy to make them healthy the natural way. There are lots of things or ailments that need not reach the hospital before curing them

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2 comments: on "Bitter Leaf as Natural Medicine"

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lucia said...

Here priestEka we are here to make your dream of pregnancy and other related human diseases over in your life have a happy home. Wespecialise in helping people with their problems such as.
1 bringing back your lost .
2 spell to improve your businesses. financial expansion
3 spell to bring back your ex-lover( bring back your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend)
4 spell for business protection from colleague.
5 spell to prevent witchcraft from your life and that of your family.
6 spell to prevent you from accident during your business journey.
7. spell to get employment easily
OUR herbal medication will cure any inch of your Fibroid, OK. When take our herbal medication to cure Fibroid and any other Infertility, You must not be going out very far from Your House because it will only be making you to visit toilet in passing out the Fibroid gradually …We also specialise in providing solutions in any of this spiritual gynaecology diseases affect human existence such as:
1 fibroid, asthma, ALL STD, Urine tract infection, sinus infection, unexplain miscarriage, fibromyalgia.
2 weakness of man organ (Herbal cure for Weak Erection….
3 infections of all kind (yeast infection)
4 blockage from the fallopian tube, Herbs to untied your Womb
5 cyst. From the ovaries,PCOS
6 unpleasant smell from the virginal, Herbal to prevent stroke
7 irregular menstration, menopause
8 infertility for easy Conception. diseases, Toilet infection and bad body odor…….Etc..
10.Watering sperm (low sperm count) not able to get woman pregnant.
Simply contact the spiritualist PriestEka on ( to get his Herbal Medication to cure your disease and put yourself on a motherhood side of life..
(No more adoption, with PriestEka your problem will solve and you will have your child with ease.
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