Sunday, May 20, 2012

common problems associated

Fibroid Symptoms
*          Long menstrual period:

            Period may last more than seven days and menstrual flow may be very heavy. Heavy menstrual flow can sometimes lead to anaemia.

*          Pressure on other organs: Large fibroids may press on organs in the pelvic
            - A basin-shaped cavity in the lower abdomen, containing the bladder, bowel, and reproductive organs.

            - If fibroid press on the bladder: A woman may feel the urge to urinate frequently. She may pass only small amounts of urine and she may feel as though she has not completely emptied her bladder.
            - If fibroid press on the bowel, she may feel constipated suffering from difficult, painful, or infrequent movement of the bowels, or full after eating only a small amount of food.

         - If fibroid press on one or both ureters (the tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder). They may partially block the flow of urine. A woman may not be aware of this, because it often isn’t painful. Over time, however, this kind of blockage can lead to kidney infections or other serious kidney damage.

*         Pelvic Pain

            The pressure of large fibroids on other organs may cause pain in the pelvic. Sometimes, if fibroid do not get the blood flow they need to sustain themselves, they degenerate or die. This may cause severe pain lasting for days or weeks. Pain may also occur if the stalk of a fibroid twists, cutting off blood supply to the fibroid. Rarely, a fibroid may become infected and cause pain.

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1 comments: on "common problems associated"

Unknown said...

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